Monday, 16 March 2009

A brief Intro.

I Review Too . . .

Ok im new to this whole interweb thing, but after a suggestion from a friend that I check it out I felt that it was pretty interesting idea. This page is basically for reviews. To get straight to the point I enjoy watching films, old, new, good, bad and this site is basically a place for me to post any reviews I may write. A sort of online portfolio if you will, or just a space for me to say what I want and to explain why I like or dislike certain films or TV shows.

Because I know you’re all dying to hear my opinion . . .

I will try to review at least one film a week, a sort of ‘recommended’ film that I think you should check out or is worth a look. Also if I see a particularly bad film I will review that as well. I feel that you have to see why a bad film is bad to truly appreciate why a good film is good. As well as this I will try (whenever I have some spare time) to do Top Ten film lists, i.e. the Top Ten: horror, comedies, sequels that are better than the originals, anything really. Any reviews I have had published I will also post on to this page, and if anyone out there needs some reviews for a independent magazine or website just let me know and I would be more than happy to lend a hand.

Finally, if you agree or disagree with anything I say, let me know. I will try to include a feedback column for people to argue amongst themselves about their differing opinions on films. If anything, I would prefer you to talk back because when it comes down to it, film reviews are just personal opinion. Different films mean different things to different people. The reviews I post here are just my opinion that doesn’t make them right or wrong. So if you agree that’s great and if you disagree that’s fine also, just let me know how exactly you will defend the film in question.

Hopefully this is just the beginning and as time goes on the site will have chance to develop. For a while updates will be slow, but I hope you will stick with it, and check it out whenever you have a spare second, or you just cant decide on a good film to watch.



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